PDF⋙ Tripping Over the Lunch Lady by Angela Johnson, James Proimos, David Lubar, Susan Richards Shreve
Tripping Over the Lunch Lady by Angela Johnson, James Proimos, David Lubar, Susan Richards Shreve
Tripping Over the Lunch Lady by Angela Johnson, James Proimos, David Lubar, Susan Richards Shreve PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
School is great—lots of friends, fun sports, and interesting classes. But then there are the days that are horrible: arguing with your best friend, being laughed at in front of your class, meeting up with the school bully, failing a test you really studied for. We’ve all been there, including these authors. In this hilarious and diverse collection of short stories, ten well-known writers, including Avi, Angela Johnson, David Lubar, James Proimos, and Susan Shreve, tell of those funny and memorable middle school moments. And after reading these comical tales, kids will soon see that they’re not alone.From reader reviews:
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