PDF⋙ Leisure in Later Life, Third Edition by Michael Leitner, Sara Leitner, Sara F. Leitner
Leisure in Later Life, Third Edition by Michael Leitner, Sara Leitner, Sara F. Leitner
Leisure in Later Life, Third Edition by Michael Leitner, Sara Leitner, Sara F. Leitner PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Discover innovative ideas for keeping older people active and healthy!Leisure in Later Life, Third Edition is a comprehensive text for university-level students and lecturers in leisure, as well as service providers in the field. Many revisions and enhancements have been made for this edition, which includes an entire new chapter discussing global perspectives on leisure in later life. Combining theoretical material and practical applications, this book presents valuable activity ideas and programs for providing appropriate recreational services to elders.
With this new updated edition, Leisure in Later Life reclaims its place as an essential sourcebook for designing recreation programs and activities for elders. Not only is it an ideal textbook for students in college focusing on leisure and aging, this book can supplement courses in psychology, social work, physical education, and recreation leadership and programming. As a reference text, this book is useful to activity directors and practicum students for creating new leisure services in the field.
Leisure in Later Life, Third Edition supplies you with key information about:
- leadership
- program planning
- evaluation techniques
- exercise and adapted dance
- intergenerational activities
- leisure counseling
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