PDF⋙ Fractal Cross Stitch Pattern: Design No. 5181 by Tracy Warrington
Fractal Cross Stitch Pattern: Design No. 5181 by Tracy Warrington
Fractal Cross Stitch Pattern: Design No. 5181 by Tracy Warrington PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Fractal Cross Stitch PatternFractals are digital images based on advanced mathematical formulas. They all form repeating patterns over and over, but unique patterns can be found deep within the small twists and turns. We find these stunning patterns and transform these into cross stitch designs that create amazing masterpieces of needlework when you complete them.
Design Information:
Stitch Count: 224 x 224
Finished Size (depending on fabric choice):
14 count (or 28 count over-two): 16 inches x 16 inches
16 count (or 32 count over-two): 14 inches x 14 inches
18 count: 12.5 inches x 12.5 inches
25 count (over-one): 9 inches x 9 inches
25 count (over-two): 18 inches x 18 inches
Cross stitch design is all full cross stitches. There are no fractional stitches, no blended threads, and no backstitching.
Chart is easy to read and fun to stitch!
Our patterns include:
Full color picture of design for reference
Complete DMC floss shopping list (includes how many of each skein the design requires)
Pattern in easy-to-read (black/white symbol) format
Color representation of design page layout
Stitching hints and tips
This pattern uses 60 or fewer DMC thread colors.
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