PDF⋙ Heat Transfer by Gregory Nellis, Sanford Klein

Heat Transfer by Gregory Nellis, Sanford Klein

Heat Transfer

Heat Transfer by Gregory Nellis, Sanford Klein PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The single objective of this book is to provide engineers with the capability, tools, and confidence to solve real-world heat transfer problems. It includes many advanced topics, such as Bessel functions, Laplace transforms, separation of variables, Duhamel's theorem, and complex combination, as well as high order explicit and implicit numerical integration algorithms. These analytical and numerical solution methods are applied to topics not considered in most textbooks. Examples are heat exchangers involving fluids with varying specific heats or phase changes; heat exchangers in which axial conduction is a concern; and regenerators. To improve readability, derivations of important results are presented completely, without skipping steps, which reduces student frustration and improves retention. The examples in the book are ubiquitous, not trivial "textbook" exercises. They are rather complex and timely real-world problems that are inherently interesting. This textbook integrates the computational software packages Maple, MATLAB, FEHT, and Engineering Equation Solver (EES) directly with the heat transfer material.

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