PDF⋙ Handbook of Women, Stress and Trauma (Psychosocial Stress Series)
Handbook of Women, Stress and Trauma (Psychosocial Stress Series)
Handbook of Women, Stress and Trauma (Psychosocial Stress Series) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The Handbook of Women, Stress and Trauma focuses on the stresses and traumas that are unique to the lives of women. It is the first text to merge research from the fields of trauma and women's health and development. Using a lifespan developmental approach, the text begins by addressing specific issues women face in their lives, drawing upon theories of development and exploring how women's relationships with others buffer - or sometimes cause - stress and trauma. Combining aspects of female development with empirical data from the fields of women's health, family violence and stress and coping, this volume helps sensitive care providers to the specific needs of women exposed to traumatic events.From reader reviews:
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