PDF⋙ Italian Auto Legends: Classics of Style and Design

Italian Auto Legends: Classics of Style and Design

Italian Auto Legends: Classics of Style and Design

Italian Auto Legends: Classics of Style and Design PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Italian car design engenders a unique sense of passion in drivers and car enthusiasts everywhere. Its great names - Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lancia, Maserati - are associated with some of the most charismatic and exciting cars ever made and resonate the world over. This lavishly illustrated book brings together more than fifty-five of the most important Italian cars designed from 1907 to the present day, each one representing a key moment in Italian car design. With an introduction describing the epic history of Italian motoring and its great marques, a succinct description of each car's history, design and peformance, and the unparalleled photographs of one of the world's top car photographers, this book is the definitive testament to the original car-styling 'capital' of the world.

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