PDF⋙ Tree Wisdom: The definitive guidebook to the myth, folklore and healing power of Trees by Jacqueline Memory Paterson
Tree Wisdom: The definitive guidebook to the myth, folklore and healing power of Trees by Jacqueline Memory Paterson
Tree Wisdom: The definitive guidebook to the myth, folklore and healing power of Trees by Jacqueline Memory Paterson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This beautiful illustrated book is the result of eight years exhaustive research into the myths, magic and healing power of trees.
It has comprehensive information on all the main species of tree and written in an easy to use and accessible style by an Arch-druidess.
This book contains all the practical information you need to identify each tree as it changes throughout the year and includes:
comprehensive physical and descriptions and botanical information
the legends and myths surrounding each tree
the healing powers and magical properties of the individual tree
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