PDF⋙ Dancers in Motion: The Art and Technique of Dance Photography

Dancers in Motion: The Art and Technique of Dance Photography

Dancers in Motion: The Art and Technique of Dance Photography

Dancers in Motion: The Art and Technique of Dance Photography PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Photographer Susan Michael’s Dancers in Motion is a collection of breath taking images that showcase the essence of the dancer’s gesture. The artist has combined her love of visual storytelling and the compelling subject to produce studying visual images, by capturing the beauty of the physical body in motion. When she photographs dancers she captures their movement and tension.

This book will teach the reader how to direct and work with dancers. It will give you practical advice on your workspace and the equipment needed to get the most out of every dance session. The posing examples provided will spark the reader’s creativity and passion for photographing dancers and give you ideas for working with dance schools as well as advanced dancers. This book answers questions and enthuse the reader into working and producing images in the field of dance photography.

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