PDF⋙ Stencil Girl: Mixed-Media Techniques for Making and Using Stencils by Mary Beth Shaw

Stencil Girl: Mixed-Media Techniques for Making and Using Stencils by Mary Beth Shaw

Stencil Girl: Mixed-Media Techniques for Making and Using Stencils

Stencil Girl: Mixed-Media Techniques for Making and Using Stencils by Mary Beth Shaw PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

It's time to see what the stencil can do!

The simple stencil can be the most versatile tool in your creative studio. Stencils create background effects, foreground details and a complex beauty that's surprisingly easy to achieve. In Stencil Girl, Mary Beth Shaw will lead you step-by-step through 18 projects that will have you thinking about stencils in a whole new light as you discover how to use them with paint, wood burning, encaustic, hand stitching, metalwork and much more. Prepare to be inspired by what's inside!

  • Helpful tips for the best way to use stencils in a wide range of applications.
  • Complete step-by-step instruction for a variety of projects including art for the wall, home decor, gifts and "just for fun."
  • Inspiring gallery pieces from 20 contributing artists, plus many bonus projects with links to online instruction.

Start to explore the potential of the stencil today. See how Stencil Girl will open up a new world of art-making possibilities to satisfy your creative cravings.

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